This film brings to life the emotional story written by Richard Wagaemase about an indigenous boy who is torn from his family and placed in a residential school. Despite the horrific abuse that he experiences in the school, the story includes hope and his resilience to play junior hockey throughout the 1960s and 70s. The graphic design of hockey jerseys, banners, and signage was crucial in showing the timeline and his growth within the hockey leagues.
Indian Horse (Feature Film)
This film brings to life the emotional story written by Richard Wagaemase about an indigenous boy who is torn from his family and placed in a residential school. Despite the horrific abuse that he experiences in the school, the story includes hope and his resilience to play junior hockey throughout the 1960s and 70s. The graphic design of hockey jerseys, banners, and signage was crucial in showing the timeline and his growth within the hockey leagues.