The long-time home of the Spartans, James Jerome is a historical place for Sudbury football. Formerly known as the Lilly Creek Sports Complex, the Gladiators built their program and it’s xa traditional practice field of Spartans players. The Graphics here transformed for the digitally rendered and painted by hand. minimizing the glare of the florescent […]
Gatchell is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Sudbury, Ontario. The mural is a collage of residential landmarks, sports teams, building signage and people from the community. The “Memories of Gathcell” book and owner’s family photos were used as reference materials to develop a nonstaglic theme.
Credit(s): Co-muralist, Tennille Heinonen.
Featured on Academica’s “Top Ten”, the iCambrian app was part of a new set of new technologies launched by Cambrian College to engage with students, faculty, and staff on the go. The app features an augmented reality (AR) reader that allows users to play the college’s 3 AR games. Icons such as “3D glasses” were […]
The mural uses rich colour and several perspectives of European landscape to compliment the dining space. Digital artwork was produced and wall sections were scaled by hand. The painting extends outside of the border in some areas to provide greater depth.